Venice Tips: 11 Don’ts for Visitors to Venice

Greetings from Venice, Italy! Venice receives about 20 million tourists each year, and there are many “must do’s” for anyone visiting Venice. However, there are also many “don’ts” for visitors to Venice, so that’s what we’re sharing here.
Venice Tip #1: Don’t Bring Heavy Luggage
In Venice, there aren’t taxis and buses to get from place to place; there are boats. Lugging heaving luggage in and out of these boats is really inconvenient, and they can sometimes charge extra for heavy bags.
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Venice Tip #2: Don’t Expect a Cheap Gondola Ride
Gondolas are the icon of Venice, and therefore very popular with tourists. A 30-minute gondola ride can cost 80 Euros, and if you want singing while you float, that will cost extra.
Venice Tip #3: Don’t Feed the Pigeons
It’s actually illegal to feed the pigeons in Venice, especially in places like the Piazza San Marco, and it’s possible to receive a fine for doing so.
Venice Tip #4: Don’t Be Surprised To See Risers in the Streets
At certain times of the year, the water levels are high enough to flood the streets. In that case, they will put risers in for pedestrians to stay above the water. This is less of an issue in the summer, but if you visit in other seasons, you might see it.
Venice Tip #5: Don’t Forget a Map, and Don’t Freak Out if You Get Lost
Getting lost in Venice is practically a rite of passage for tourists. A map is helpful, but either way, most tourists get lost at least once. The people in Venice are generally very helpful, so getting lost isn’t a big deal, as a locals are often willing to point you back in the right direction.
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Venice Tip #6: Don’t Get in the Water
This may seem obvious, but this happens often enough that it’s worth mentioning. The areas around the water can be super slippery, so even if you don’t plan to go in the water, you need to exercise caution around the water.
Venice Tip #7: Don’t Wear Skimpy Clothes to visit Churches
For anyone planning to visit any of Venice’s churches and cathedrals, skimpy clothes are a “don’t.” The churches won’t allow anyone in who isn’t modestly dressed.
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Venice Tip #8: Don’t Use Public Toilets
It costs 2 Euros to use public toilets in Venice. Rather than spend that money, it’s better to buy a spritz or coffee to use the bar or cafe toilets.
Venice Tip #9: Don’t Be Upset By Separate Lines for Tourists & Locals
This is especially common during busy season, and you may even see different prices for locals vs tourists. Venice is a fairly small town of 50,000 people that receives 20 million tourists. The locals have to be able to commute to work and continue their daily lives without dodging tourists all day long.
Venice Tip #10: Don’t Forget to Ask How Much the Drinks Cost
At some of the restaurants near tourist attractions, they’ll have a special “tourist menu.” The price of the meal may be a great value, but ordering drinks can add another 4 Euros to the bill. The little add-ons to this special price may end up not being such a bargain after all, so be sure to ask about drink costs.
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Venice Tip #11: Don’t Forget to Explore Other Parts & Islands of Venice
Venice itself has many islands to explore, and then you can also visit Burano, Murano, Pellestrina and many more, whether you want more culture, or to visit some beaches. While there are many things to do in Venice, it’s always great to take a day trip out of the city to explore surrounding areas.

These are just a few travel tips for first time travelers to Venice. For more Italy travel tips, check out these blog posts and videos: