Hey there, fellow travelers! Today we’re in Barcelona, and we’re having a great time. Some tourists may have too good of a time and end up being arrested. So, today we’re sharing the six most common reasons that tourists get arrested while traveling
#1 Alcohol Related Arrests
Alcohol can be the catalyst for a fun night out, or it can spell disaster for travelers. It’s the number one reason that travelers end up getting in trouble. From drunk driving, public intoxication to fighting, a lot of tourists can’t seem to hold their liquor. You see this a lot in towns like New Orleans, or European cities popular for stag parties, like here in Barcelona. If you plan to do a bit of partying on vacation, know your limit, look out for your friends and make sure they’re looking out for you.

#2 Drug Related Arrests
A lot of travelers think they want to include drugs in their vacation experience, especially in places like Amsterdam. Even in places like Amsterdam where pot is legal, it’s not carte blanche; there are still laws and regulations around marijuana. You can be arrested for carrying it around, for example. It happens a lot in Southeast Asia too. You do not want to end up in jail in a foreign country; it will not be pleasant. The best thing you can do is just avoid drugs while you’re traveling.
#3 Not Knowing Local Laws
Part of the beauty of traveling is experiencing different cultures and customs. But that can also mean very different laws. Who hasn’t heard urban legends of American teenagers jailed in Singapore for chewing gum? But there really are some unique laws out there that can get you in trouble. In Venice, you can be fined for feeding pigeons. In Thailand, it’s illegal to insult the King. You can avoid a lot of issues by doing some research online before your trip. You can also use the Google Translate app while traveling to translate any signs you might see. Just because you don’t speak the local language doesn’t mean you’re not subject to the laws.
Read: Seven Signs You Might Be a Bad Traveler
#4 Trespassing
I’d venture a guess that this is on the rise with the popularity of Instagram. It seems that travelers will do anything to get that perfect Instagram shot, whether it’s splashing in public fountains, ignoring barriers or vandalizing private property. Even if it’s legal, try to be respectful of private property and don’t be a nuisance to homeowners who happen to have a well-photographed house.
#5 Religious Misunderstandings
A lot of those strange local laws tie back to religious origins. Not every country has the freedom of speech that we enjoy in the United States, so be careful when speaking about religion in a foreign country. It’s best to avoid this topic of conversation at all, and just be a passive observer when traveling through religious countries.
#6 Stealing
This may seem obvious, but in other countries, punishment may not always seems to fit the crime. Otto Warmbier is the best example of this; in 2016, the American university student was accused of stealing a North Korea propaganda sign in North Korea and was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. He was sent home a year later in a coma and later died.
Watch: Seven Biggest Travel Blunders
These are the most common reasons for tourists being arrested that we’ve observed during our travels. The best thing you can do is just be on your best behavior when traveling. Remember, you are a guest in this country, and you are representing Americans whether you like it or not. Have you seen travelers be arrested for stupid things? Tell us about it in the comments!

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