Hey there, fellow travelers! Today, we visit Catalonia, Spain! In my opinion, Catalonia is the best part of Spain. As you know, here at Wolters World, we like to prepare travelers with the good, and the bad, of visiting a new travel destination. So these are the five things you’ll love, and the five things you’ll hate when you visit Catalonia Spain.
Love #1: Afternoon Drinks & Hanging Out
This is called “pica pica” and it happens in the afternoon. It’s time in the afternoon to go and sit outside, enjoy a cava or a beer with some olives or snacks, relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere with your friends. It’s sort of like happy hour in the States, but a much more frequent experience when you are in Catalonia.
Hate #1: Tourist Crowds
People come to Barcelona and Catalonia beaches from all over the world, so it can feel really crowded in the summer. If you can, try to visit in the off-season because the weather is great year-round and you can avoid some of the crowds if you visit in spring or fall.

Love #2: Catalan Culture
Technically, Catalonia is part of Spain, but when you visit the Catalan region, you feel the independent culture almost immediately. The culture is very independent of Spanish culture, and this shows up in Catalonia food, the music, the people and the museums. There’s a very different vibe in Catalonia.
Hate #2: Driving in Catalonia
Driving in Catalonia is crazy. It’s said that there’s a car accident every 19 seconds. There are just a lot of crazy drivers, so you have to pay attention. Whether you’re on the highway or in the city, and whether you are a driver or a pedestrian, always be on high alert. Parking is also hard to come by, and expensive. I do recommend renting a car so you can explore the countryside, but be prepared to pay more for parking while you are in Barcelona.
Love #3: Catalonia Destinations
If you travel throughout the region, you’ll discover many cool Catalonia cities and towns. Most travelers experience Catalonia through Barcelona, but there are many more Catalonia cities to explore. Girona is a beautiful city, or you can visit all of the monasteries along La Ruta del Cister. And then there are the beach towns of Catalonia. Barcelona is fantastic, but try to experience more of Catalonia outside of the capital city.

Hate #3: Catalan vs Spanish
You probably think you’re going to Spain so the little bit of Spanish you know will come in handy. But surprise! They speak Catalan in Catalonia, not Spanish. Nobody outside of Catalonia is taught this language. Catalan is a mixture of Spanish and French and other languages. Fortunately, most people also speak Spanish, so you can get by without too much trouble. However, if you speak a few words of Catalan, that will really impress the locals.
Love #4: Catalonia Outdoors
They have some of the best beaches and mountains in Europe. If you love outdoor adventure travel, then Catalonia is the perfect destination for you. From hiking to deep-sea fishing, Catalonia has some of the best natural beauty and outdoor adventure opportunities. You don’t have to spend your entire trip exploring cities, but you can really get out and enjoy nature in Catalonia.
Hate #4: Service in Catalan
The people in Catalonia are fantastic, but this doesn’t always transfer over to the service industry. If you speak a bit of Spanish or Catalan, you will get better service. If you don’t speak Spanish or Catalan, be prepared to wait a bit longer to get your food and drink, and don’t expect stellar service.
Love #5: Catalan People
It does take time to get to know the Catalan people, but once you do, you have friends for life. They are really great people and very welcoming. If you get invited to an “abuela’s” home, don’t pass it up; it might be the best food you’ll ever have.
Hate #5: Pickpockets
This issue is largely only an issue in Barcelona, but pickpockets are a real issue here. They mostly hang out in the Gothic area and along La Rambla, but you should be extra careful anywhere in Barcelona. It’s not just pickpockets, there are also scam artists who will approach you and try to distract you. The local police are pretty apathetic to it, so if something does happen to you, don’t expect a lot of help from the police.
How to Avoid Travel Scams & Rip-Offs

Catalonia is one of the best places to visit and/or work, so I highly recommend it. The “hates” are really just things to have a heads up on rather than a reason not to visit Catalonia. Want more tips for planning a Spain vacation? Check out these other blog posts: