Captain’s Log 25 March 2020
To see yesterday’s post, click here.
We have had a great day! Praise God for small miracles. Here is how it went…
I woke up to a world of fog. I love fog, I love it so much I should move to London. Our skies have been a blanket of grey for days and days. But the grey of fog I enjoy. So, when I saw that I was happy. Living in Illinois can be pretty colorless much of the year—everything goes beige and grey. Those colors are difficult for me. The fog however, leaves much scope for the imagination.

ala Anne of Green Gables
Mark and I took a long walk then worked out. I made breakfast and in doing so, realized a lot of my angst about the lack of cleanliness in my house comes directly from the number of dishes I am doing every day. Seriously, I run the dishwasher every night and hand wash at least 2 sinks-full of dishes every day. Pinpointing a cause is the first step to fixing a problem.
After my great epiphany I vacuumed and mopped; clean floors always cheer me up. It is incredible how much more quickly things get dirty with 4 people and a dog at home 24-7. I kept thinking I am like a frontier woman, I cook, wash dishes, clean, teach the boys then repeat the process again until the ages of ages I just need some chickens and a goat. It felt so good to get a lot done in a short amount of time. And Liam helped with the mopping. He absolutely loves to mop. I have to go back over some spots but, for an 8yo, he is pretty good at it.

Both boys got to work at a decent hour and did their work diligently! I have nothing more to say about this for fear I will jinx it so, mums the word.
My online groceries came. It is sad and pathetic how exciting this was for me. It was a good experience though. The woman who was doing the shopping in store texted me throughout the process and I was able to add a couple of things and edit things that were unavailable etc. She was super nice. I needed new dishwashing gloves and they were all out because apparently those were bought out by the apocalypse pandemic hoarders. (I really dislike those people. If you are staying home you don’t need ALL the gloves nor all the toilet paper, all the paper towels, all the Lysol, all the Clorox wipes, and all the hand sanitizer!) Anywho, she gave me a pair of her extra gloves since mine had a hole in them. What a kind gesture, people really are good. Except the hoarders.
The boys played Jenga outside once the sun came out (did I mention that? The sun came out!!) and we all took a long family walk. That was fun until the boys started tackling one another in random people’s yards (for fun, not fighting) and Liam ‘broke his knee joint’ and proceeded to fake cry the whole way home. Our neighbors (whom we have literally seen 5x in the 6 years we have lived here) were staring at us with saucer eyes. Super. If it had been any other neighbors they would have laughed because they know our kids then they would have offered us a beer. Which we would kindly decline because that is probably not approved of in the social-distancing handbook. Just kidding, there isn’t a handbook, that I know of. We got home and Liam decided what he really needed was a nap. Will wonders ever cease?
Today is both the Annunciation and Greek Independence Day. Things that would normally have been celebrated at church with many other families. I missed that. So, I am making my Yiayia’s Greek style chicken (yes, it is Lent and I am not supposed to be eating the meat but, Quarantine). I plan on having a glass of warm Raki with honey and chamomile tea tonight to celebrate that part of my heritage.

Athens, Greece
Today also would have been the day I started booking our accommodations in Greece for this summer. I had such plans! We would stay in Chania for 5 days or so then venture to Caleb’s godmother’s family home in the country. After a couple days there, Mark would have headed to Austria to teach and the boys and I were going to my Papoo’s village. I am the 8th generation to sleep in the family house. I want my children to experience roots like that. I am hoping all of that will happen eventually. Our summer was just packed with family and friends and a couple new countries to visit. Now, I have no idea what it will be. But it will be summer and that is enough.
Mark has been productive as always and wonderfully supportive. You learn a lot about your spouse throughout your marriage. Mark and I have spent so many days traveling with only one another to rely on, this hiccup isn’t really all that different. Well, the scenery is but, we are handling it pretty well. There are frustrations and sometimes we lose it a little but we are good. Even if there are still 20 action figures on my fireplace mantle.

Somewhere in Aruba.
Tonight, we have a Live Stream which I always enjoy. It is really great to be able to be in touch with people from around the world. One thing I find in our Live streams is the amount of support between our followers. That support and comradery is stronger and more pronounced than ever! We mourn together, we are triumphant together and we will all get through this trial together.
If I can get one good day a week like this, I think I can continue on with the Quarantine indefinitely without having to be sent to the funny farm.
Until tomorrow,